School Bus

The school bus transport is provided by BURAK TURAN TURİZM.

We have worked with the School bus company for six consecutive years. If you would like to inquire about the price of the school bus do not hesitate to contact the school bus company. However, the school bus company will not register your child before School registration is complete.

About the school transport company:

  • We understand the responsibility involved in transporting school children of all ages.
  • Safety and comfort on the road and adherence to traffic regulations are our priority.
  • Children entrusted to us enjoy the most up to date vehicles prepared for school transportation.
  • The specially selected personnel are experienced and trained and approved by local authorities.
  • The vehicles are equipped with a tracking system allowing the bus company and the school to track the whereabouts of all vehicles.
  • Parents will be automatically informed by a reporting system indicating the buses proximity to school or home.

Contact information of the school transport company: